
Bring my creativity back, please!

Moleskine WS Page 10
Originally uploaded by sternenklar.
I'm so so lazy. Can't believe it, I haven't drawn anything in the last weeks. Summer holidays are over and I brought my stuff always with me but couldn't bring myself to sit down and draw.
But I found a new big hobby. Fotography. Sure, I always loved fotography, but more this "shoot without thinking"-stuff. :) Now I bought an old russian camera (Zenit EM) from ebay and she makes wonderful pictures! So I'm running through the world with my heavy old camera and many lenses and try to get everything beautiful on film.
But this can't be forever, I'm so lost without art, I feel lonely, I don't know. It's one of these times when you think that there is nothing good enough to draw..... I need ideas, projects, but most of all I need to come back to everyday journaling.

In no longer than two weeks I move to potsdam, a nice historical town next to our capital Berlin. This will be a great change in my life and I'm very excited. I hope that this will push me right back into my creative life.