
bathroom + acrylic experiments

Moleskine LS Page 63+64
Originally uploaded by sternenklar.
It's been a while since I posted the last time. Well, I'm drawing more often than last year, that's a great plus. But in my opinion it could be more ;)
On Sunday I did my first sketch crawl, altough it was just a home-crawl, but better than nothing :)
Yesterday I drew our bathroom after bathing...it's a really weird drawing, but I like it more and more. The left side shows a portrait of a model from a loreal-ad. I saw a girls journal - she paints every page of her journal with a different color (using a paintroll) and then she drew and paint over it. She has such a lovely style...I really adore her. So I tried to use a similiar technique... The portrait looks very well in my opinion. I think I'll paint something like that on canvas (just need to buy some new ones)...
And this weekend I ordered Cathy Johnson's book to sketching in nature...I really can't wait to have it in my hands. I hope the weather stays fine so that I can go out and begin sketching nature!
More soon!



I love the look of watercolors. It's a medium for all kind of people. It is easy to use for beginners who just want to shade and color their drawings a little bit and you can also do wonderful paintings with watercolors like Cathy Johnson.
I've never painted alot with watercolors because my paintings always looked so flat and boring. My Resolution for this year is to draw more and more with it. To learn a lot about painting landscapes with watercolor. Today I made 2 paintings in my moleskine. The one is of Chris Cornell. I did the inkdrawing of this 3 days ago and added the color today. I like how it came out, but the picture of it is a little bit bad...I hope I can use our scanner the next time.
The second painting is of a plant in our living room.


New Years Art-Resolutions

This is another blog. Yes I know, there is flickr and deviantart and all that stuff but I wanted to have a blog where I can write more about my art.
Now we live in 2007. The last year was a bit weird. It was the first time that I was unemployed and I had very much time to think about art and things around it. I sucked in applying for study because today everybody seems to want to study design and maybe I'm not good enough?? Oh no...I know that this is the right thing for me. I know that....but when it comes to art, everybody has a different taste. Professors are strange. I don't like beeing judged all the time and maybe art should not be my profession. Maybe it's better to have art as hobby, as a thing you can hold on to in bad times.

I was always kind of sick of making something. You know, this feeling when you want to do art, when you really want to be creative, but you have no idea what to do. You have no muse waiting for you. Really frustrating.
Then I read Danny Gregory's The Creative License. And this book is so amazing and brilliant and everything. I really loved it and it gives me so much power...

Finally, I have a plan for 2007:

* draw, draw, draw. Every day. Fill journals. Doodle around. Don't waste time with watching bad tv-shows...just draw :)
* Do a lot of acrylic paintings on canvas... crazy, abstract paintings.
* draw on the outside, draw people, draw animals, draw landscapes
* use more watercolor
* find other people who wants to draw with me
* start college ...
* draw more from imagination (because I suck at this ;D )
* draw a lot on summer vacation in Italy this year (me and my boyfriend are going to travel to italy this year, 3 weeks through the whole country. Venezia, Florence, Rome, etc.)
* draw series of things
* make my own handmade-book
* work on calligraphy

Maybe I add more in the next time :)