
Potsdam test

Glück 2
Originally uploaded by sternenklar.
God I'm lucky... I've totally forgot with which email adress I was logged in in my blogspot-account and I tried every adress that was in my mind but nothing was right. ...now I was going to open a new blog and tadaaaah google told me that my emailadress was already taken and then I don't know, from one moment to the next I was logged in xD How stupid---
I just want to tell you that I finished my homework for the potsdam university, a campaign against drugs and I hope that the profs will like it (and my portfolio too). Tomorrow at 3 pm is my test. I have to do a presentation and I'm really scared. This is my last chance and I want to do my best but I think there are many many other great and talented artists and they take only a few. :/

1 comment:

:) Silvia said...

Hallo Franziska,

eigentlich bin ich auf Deinen Blog gekommen, weil ich jemanden für die Portrait Party suche, aber dann habe ich Deinen Eintrag gelesen.
Hat die Bewerbung für Potsdam geklappt? Falls ja, meinen Glückwunsch, falls nicht, dann lass den Kopf nicht hängen. Es ist wirklich nicht leicht, an die wenigen begehrten Plätze zu kommen. Und wenn man Deine letzten Einträge so durchsieht, dann sieht man dass Du Dir Mühe gegeben hast :).

Ach ja, falls Du trotzdem noch Interesse an der Sache mit der Portraitparty hast, melde Dich einfach mal bei mir :)!